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My mind is full of worms by Baggelboy |
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Hallo there.. save and peace..
Ye..ye.. I can imagine how Your eyes bug out when read this knocking title. How could a question could make people stop worshiping God?!! For sure, my eyes were buging out too when that question shot at me.
It was long time ago when my college-mate threw it to my face; when I was on my first year on college. He said, that’s one of highly philosopical question. As he said philosophy is a highest level of human’s mind. Not all of us could afford philosophical minds.
It was spread when me and him walking “down the hill” from campus to our home. Here’s the complete convo:
“Hey Dude, You know what..philosophy is great. A high level of thinking. If You learn it with lack of knowledge, it would makes You gone mad.
“O really? How could??”
“Philosophy requires us to have a detailed understanding of all things. Sometimes it’s very different from the way of many people's thinks. Even more, it could fade religious beliefs, You know.”
“Here I give You one example.”
“Here. Do You believe that God is the All-Creator?”
“Totally sure, of course!” I said.
“OK. Then, do You believe tha God is the Allmighty too?”
“Very bery mery sure!” I optimistically replied.
“OK..,” he said..then answer this:
“Can God creates a super-huge rock that God Himself can not lift it? "
“WOOOOT?!!” My eyes bug out badly. Took a while … tried hard to find some answer. I gave up. “Is there any answer for a question like this???”
“Ho ho, sure there is,” He grins. “So, what say?”
“I give up. Gimme the answer!”
“Nope. I won’t tell You now. Just give Yourself some more time to think about it. It will satisfiy You if You get the answer by contemplating. But don’t think too hard on it. It could make You stop worshiping God, otherwise.”
Then we were aparted to our each destination. He promised to give me the answer if I failed to gain my own answer. Then life goes on .. and I always forgot to ask him the answer as he always forgot to talk about it for more…til we were graduated from the college and I don’t know where or how is he now. (May God Bless him)
This odd question sometimes knocking when I am alone or when talking about some philosophycal topics. Eventhough I never stop worshiping God, I have this left for You, Buddies:
Is someone out there, You, could give me the answer?

Published: 2011-09-06T22:24:00+07:00
A Question that could make you stop worshiping God
4 komentar:
Wooooth? Actually you r right in single thing, my eyes be bug out with the title.. Do you know? I'm very bery mery curious to continue read and I expect the answer! but woooth again, is it the puzzle dude? I'm dizzy because I'm not a philosophyholic... I give up too. So, how long this odd question has been huging you? I think it was so long... And now, have you gain the answer dude? Share to us and your last friend... ( I'm very like your blog contents). Keep writing... Sir! Excuse me for english chaos..
I'm still curious dude! based on the question, there is a contrary sentences. The first sent: if The God is almighty and the secend one: may He creats a something that he can't bear it? I think, by His almaighty what a heavy it He will able to bear it! Right? It's just an opinion from who has a sense in commonly people...
Well yeah, me too is not a philosophyholic :D but this question is annoys my mind since that day.
Thanks for your support to this blog, Sis. Your words are precious to me. Surely I will keep writing, inshaAllah. Thanks so much, Sis Oom :25:
Im very sorry for this late reply, O.K. Yes, i think i got the answer at last. For now, let me give You the clue. Make a deep thinking on these words: "God" and "lift".
I dont have playing You around by giving this clue, okay. I just give You the chance to feel the "Eureka!" moment on Your side, Sis. I think You will find the answer then. :25:
Btw, I think Your english is much better than mine.. :4: Im looking forward for Your comment here again with Your Eureka answer okay! :8:
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