The Arrivals: One God One Message ~ Pusaka Madinah


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The Arrivals: One God One Message

"Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayat." [H.R. Bukhari]

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"I warned you about him. That is not a prophet but warned his people about him. But I will explain to you something that has never been described as a prophet to his nation before me. Know that he is one eyed ... and Allah is not one-eyed. " (Prophet Muhammad Saw.)

  • What is The Arrivals? 

Here is an explanation from the Indonesian language translator, a blogger plus youtuber too, Mas Karkoons:
"The Arrivals" (Arrival), is an indie documentary film series and Achernahr Noreagaa production. Very enlightening and can open our eyes and to increase awareness of what is really going on around us. Any form of propaganda, slander and lies that occur in the world that is being built to go to a system of "New World Order" (New World Order), will be in the unloading in this series. Also investigate about the end times, the arrival of Dajjal (Antichrist-in western literature), Imam Mahdi as and Prophet Isa (Jesus) on the basis of cross-faith prophecy. {Channel Karkoons: Youtube or You can go find the original source here: Wake Up Project Channel: Youtube}

Well, the thing that I wish to make relates to the part that I highlighted above: 
That although the cracker of the phenomenon of evil Dajjal "coincidentally" is a Muslim, but the messages carried in the film is actually for everyone from every religion, every man who worships God. There is absolutely no smell intent to Islamic religious propaganda or discrediting religion other than Islam. 

  • The most evocative thing

One of the many things that make me dumbfounded after studying the contents of this film is how every religion in the world, especially Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, have been deliberately divided! 
Who did it? The Luciferian, Freemasons, and Illuminati: the worshipers of Satan. 
For what purpose? In order to make the worshipers of God preoccupied fighting each other and do not realize, even participated in the achievement of the satanists agenda. 

So, basically The Arrivals is a call for all worshipers of God to unite against and thwart the agenda of the satanists. 

Open Your Eyes, Heart, and Mind!

  • The story in the haqiqa recitation  

Several years ago, when disqussing about al-Hikam Book, told about a man who dedicated 70 years of his life to just know how great the power of Satan. During the 70 years he actively worship and pray that God will open the secret. Along the way she prayed God not turn down. 

Only in a while, that person changed his mind and said to himself, "Hmm .. it would be better for me to spend the rest of this life by examining the defect-reproach myself." And the gift of God had come down not long after that. God show me the person is how each side of the world, every area of life, has been besieged by the forces of Satan, both on land, at sea, or in the air. 

At the time of hearing this story, I just nodded without really understanding what is meant by besieged from every angle, from every side of life. Just now, after studying the message in The Arrivals, I can nod, patting the table! MasyaAllah! 

Things that make me the salute at the maker of this film is the suggestion to free ourself and our own family first from this invisible prison in our daily life before we determine to fight this satanists agenda. That is, to up grade yourself first - like Keaanu Reeves in the Matrix movies - so we can be effective against the machine troops. Cool! In accordance with the above story, right?! ^ _ ^ 

Well, mainly for any Muslims out there who are still allergic to the talk about religion, this is my message: 
"Until when you keep a distance from religious knowledge that will actually save you, your children and grandchildren, and the entire family from the defamation Antichrist? Do you think the Quran is not talking about YOUR everyday life??" Wake up! 

For my friend who would leave little energy, time, and thought to this big problem.Please watch and spread the information and video of The Arrivals. That's the most minimal thing we can do as an individual who is free (unplugged). If we are not old enough troops standing in the line of Imam Mahdi and Jesus, maybe our grandchildren a chance to know this information who will represent us at the end of time later. Hopefully. Amen. 

{If you like, I've had time to make the download link in my older post Link Baru The Arrivals (The Arrivals New Links), You even  can also order it on DVD formated on this non-commercial site: Truth Seeker

Akhirul Kalam, may this note is useful for all. May Allah SWT. classify us all as the beings that is free from the Dajjal/Antichrist's libel. Amen.
The Arrivals: One God One Message
Adam Troy Effendy
By Pusaka Madinah
Published: 2011-06-04T17:59:00+07:00
The Arrivals: One God One Message
5 411 reviews
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"Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayat." [H.R. Bukhari]
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admin Pusaka Madinah

Pusaka Madinah adalah sebutan untuk ilmu, amal, dan muanayah tauhid hakiki yang menjelaskan sinergi syariat, tarikat, hakikat, dan makrifat dari kalangan khawwasul khawwas yang disampaikan oleh Mursyid, K.H. Undang bin K.H. Sirad bin K.H. Yahya dengan sanad aly sebagai berikut: (1) Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah Saw., (2) Nabi Khidir a.s., (3) Abdul Aziz ad-Dabarq, (4) Abdul Wahab at-Tazi, (5) Ahmad bin Idris, (6) Muhammad Sanusi, (7) Muhammad Mahdi, dan (8) Muhammad Idris.

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Barangsiapa menghendaki kebaikan bagi dirinya, niscaya dia mengambil jalan kepada Tuhannya. (Q.S. Al-Insan:29)

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