With Roland Urbán about God ~ Pusaka Madinah


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With Roland Urbán about God

"Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayat." [H.R. Bukhari]

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Roland Urbán
Hi there buddy... how are You all? Well, hope everythin is alrite at Your side. Ok?! Okay then here I'm gonna tell You something about my talk with a lovely-friendly Hungary guy. His name is Roland Urbán (23).

First talk with him was when I commented on his artwork. Some surrealism hand-drawing art. I said, surrealism drawing is just like a poem. While poems is in letter form, surrealism is poem in picture form. Both are really deep in meanings. The talks then directed us to a chit-chat about God. Here is my talk with Roland Urbán about God. Then we resiprocally send inbox messages to each other on Facebook .

He is a surreal paint artist. I do like his art work for sure. I met him on Yobombo.com,  a chat site. As a young western people, I do really honor him for his peacefully mind. Even when he doesn't pick any religion,  Rolland does believe in God. He is a polite and show his respects to others. Those things made me honor and love him as a friend.

Roland Urbán

Hmm.. which is the basal advise about Allah? Is Allah the aforementioned with the accomplished world, I beggarly could we acquisition him ( ?) into myself, or just in a mosque?

You know my Sobat, the a lot of important Dogmatic aphorism of the Christians is the Ten Commandments. One of them is that the accepter accept to appointment trhe abbey Sunday by Sunday. As far as I guess,t he anniversary leaders of the all religions has afflicted the angelic books (as Bible, Quran, Torah, Bakhtigida etc) aeon by aeon for...manipulate the believers! with the rules,with the dogmas...

I'm apologetic if these curve r aberrant n disturbin for a acutely beliver as You,but I have to explain my thoughts to You!

Ah, okay. Here let me explain to You about this, Bro.. ^_^

The attendance of mosques (and added places of religious worship) that is alone God's command for the slave, we not alone acquaint with God, but aswell we acquaint and allotment adulation with others. So, if we are in a abode of worship, we become complete: God is on our hearts and in places of adoration (as the apotheosis of God on Earth):)

Not all of Scripture has been falsified, pal. Next time I will present the after-effects of accurate analysis based on the science of philology to prove it. :)

O ya, about this: "Is Allah the aforementioned with the accomplished world, I beggarly could we acquisition him ( ?) into myself,or just in a mosque?"
Since in Islam told that Allah (God) is Almighty and All-Covers, it's actual accurate what you say is: God exists in the cosmos and in us all.

Muhammad PBUH said: "The affection of the accepter it is the alcazar of the Lord"
God speaks to us every day all through the absoluteness of attributes as able-bodied as through our own hearts. But Buddy, for us Muslims, not every buzz which appear through into our hearts have to be appear from God.

Imam Al-Ghazali, a accurate addict of Muhammad, said that there are 4 kinds of whispers in the affection of a man:
1. Whispers of God;
2. Whispers of Angels;
3. Whispers of lust, cocky or ego;
4. Buzz ofs the Evil.

Therefore, Muslims do not accede with the New Wave which says that all the promptings of the affection from aural us that comes from God. Thus, the New Wave states that every chat that comes out of his aperture is the Chat of God. Islam does not accede with this because the Muslims can analyze the characteristics of these four types whispers. :)
Likewise my friend, the Islamic appearance about these. :)

With Roland Urbán about God
Adam Troy Effendy
By Pusaka Madinah
Published: 2010-12-26T07:43:00+07:00
With Roland Urbán about God
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"Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayat." [H.R. Bukhari]
admin Pusaka Madinah

Pusaka Madinah adalah sebutan untuk ilmu, amal, dan muanayah tauhid hakiki yang menjelaskan sinergi syariat, tarikat, hakikat, dan makrifat dari kalangan khawwasul khawwas yang disampaikan oleh Mursyid, K.H. Undang bin K.H. Sirad bin K.H. Yahya dengan sanad aly sebagai berikut: (1) Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah Saw., (2) Nabi Khidir a.s., (3) Abdul Aziz ad-Dabarq, (4) Abdul Wahab at-Tazi, (5) Ahmad bin Idris, (6) Muhammad Sanusi, (7) Muhammad Mahdi, dan (8) Muhammad Idris.

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Barangsiapa menghendaki kebaikan bagi dirinya, niscaya dia mengambil jalan kepada Tuhannya. (Q.S. Al-Insan:29)

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