When Love Itinerating: Meaning of the Salik Solitariness ~ Pusaka Madinah


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When Love Itinerating: Meaning of the Salik Solitariness

"Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayat." [H.R. Bukhari]

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A assistant will say goodbye to leave his ration, such as clothes, home, his family, his wife and children, again stepped forward. He comes with two steps, which is, achievement and fear, as he advanced. He does not apperceive everything, so he larboard aggregate after alive what the advantages and disadvantages.

If he had larboard everything, again he has appear to the aperture of The Lord, continuing with His agents and guards with abhorrence and hope. He does not apperceive what will appear to him. When The Lord looked at him and to his circumstances, The Lord said to His aides, "Embrace and accord him everything."

Then he will move and alternating from one action to addition action that approved to His Secrets. Given him the acme and a top cachet and said, "And accompany your accomplished ancestors to Me." (Surah Yusuf: 93)

Tawaf (itinerate) of divine love
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family ====servant==    الله
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Of course, the acceptation of "leave all allowance of the world" which said aloft does not beggarly absolutely leave the world: abandoning wives and children, do not work, again go into the wilderness to seek God. The aspect in catechism is as afterward explained by Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jailani rah. a.
"The accepter do their accustomed activity and do their duty, but his anticipation agilely alone to the Lord Almighty. The physique is for his family, but the body is for his Lord. "

"Your effort needs sacrifices."

When Love Itinerating: Meaning of the Salik Solitariness
Adam Troy Effendy
By Pusaka Madinah
Published: 2010-10-30T09:56:00+07:00
When Love Itinerating: Meaning of the Salik Solitariness
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"Sampaikan dariku walau satu ayat." [H.R. Bukhari]
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Barangsiapa menghendaki kebaikan bagi dirinya, niscaya dia mengambil jalan kepada Tuhannya. (Q.S. Al-Insan:29)

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